Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Points per village
1 Lord Gourd SHHHHH 1.142.104 204 5599
2 MONKE SHHHHH 565.808 89 6357
3 A Baron of Ibelin TBD 506.741 87 5825
4 Baller3 TBD 491.988 71 6929
5 bdg1030 TBD 334.765 74 4524
6 Public Menace OF 315.366 61 5170
7 sjot3 TBD 313.099 64 4892
8 Gorlami GoGoGo 293.298 51 5751
9 Squa SHHHHH 284.046 53 5359
10 ButcherBabies SHHHHH 265.994 52 5115
11 Dotes SHHHHH 243.284 49 4965
12 longshot100 TBD 242.666 58 4184
13 Rattlesnake. TBD 230.100 53 4342
14 Mowmaster TBD 230.061 72 3195
15 LilGirth29 OF 211.669 60 3528
16 Rekkles OF 196.080 34 5767
17 Ownager OF 193.563 38 5094
18 Sweeney OF 192.014 35 5486
19 Bonfire GoGoGo 185.853 35 5310
20 Basic OF 172.537 48 3595
21 xNicex OF 171.046 34 5031
22 GottiTheBeast OF 170.696 37 4613
23 takenoteswhileItaketokes GoGoGo 158.755 47 3378
24 skeletor the vicious GoGoGo 146.546 29 5053
25 Jcey TBD 144.436 31 4659
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