Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day
Rank Name Tribe Points Villages Points per village
1 Lord Gourd SHHHHH 1.421.064 205 6932
2 MONKE TBD 841.066 116 7251
3 A Baron of Ibelin TBD 829.244 114 7274
4 sjot3 TBD 595.081 105 5667
5 Baller3 TBD 544.841 77 7076
6 Squa SHHHHH 469.247 72 6517
7 bdg1030 TBD 452.967 84 5392
8 Gorlami GoGoGo 416.935 63 6618
9 longshot100 TBD 405.466 69 5876
10 Rattlesnake. TBD 397.407 85 4675
11 ButcherBabies SHHHHH 386.350 73 5292
12 Dotes SHHHHH 352.174 60 5870
13 Mowmaster TBD 334.546 89 3759
14 takenoteswhileItaketokes GoGoGo 258.975 57 4543
15 Bonfire GoGoGo 241.856 46 5258
16 GottiTheBeast OF 240.512 40 6013
17 LilGirth29 OF 216.747 55 3941
18 Jcey TBD 216.149 36 6004
19 skeletor the vicious GoGoGo 184.863 32 5777
20 Rekkles OF 181.926 31 5869
21 ProxyOff TBD 162.077 24 6753
22 ironmn OR 150.925 28 5390
23 Darth Maul OR 150.048 32 4689
24 Cocomelon RIM 141.641 35 4047
25 tiny150 TBD 136.576 21 6504
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