Map Ranking


World dominance
Continent Tribes
Continent Players
Opponents defeated (tribe)
Opponents defeated
In a day

World dominance

Every world needs a victor, but which group of brave village leaders shall band together to win World 72?

In order to truly prove themselves, a tribe must control at least 70% of the player owned villages on this world. This is also known as a tribe's dominance percentage.

To prevent an early and unsatisfactory victory, the world must be at least 165 days old for a tribe to begin dominating.

The dominating tribe must maintain their dominance percentage for 3 consecutive days to declare themselves as victorious.

Top tribes by dominance
TBD 20.7%
SHHHHH 12.4%
GoGoGo 6.7%
OF 4.7%
OR 4%
RIM 2.3%
NORTH 2.2%
TWD 2%
OV 1.9%
XB 1.8%
Gondor 1.7%
IIWII 1.6%
.MoB. 1.5%
ORC 1.5%
ESDR 1.4%
FLY 1.2%
Blaze 1.1%
Spank 1.1%
OB 1.1%
C.G 0.9%
Victory checklist
World age
55 / 165 days
Top dominance
20% / 70%
Hold dominance
0 / 3 days