Map Ranking


Tribe name:Co-Insurrectionists
Number of members:8
Points of the best 15 players3.473
Total points:3.473
Average points:434
Opponents defeated: 223.269 (33.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
zak26 1 824 518 1
JAHLEE (Diplomat) 2 653 553 1
variables 3 547 577 1
Michael15 4 525 585 1
rajatmohan40 5 400 622 1
Ginger Hoff 13 6 333 644 1
jogardus 7 191 715 1
dimon1 8 0 1018 0
Co-In was founded by Tullamore.

To Compete takes activity, competing hard takes activity 24-7 - so you need co-players. Just something to think about.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.