Map Ranking


Opponents defeated: 975.007 (16.)

Villages (60) Coordinates Points
0001 Bulbasaur
509|500 10.971
0002 Ivysaur
511|503 6.131
0003 Venusaur
510|502 6.505
0004 Charmander
509|501 5.485
0005 Charmeleon
523|495 6.802
0006 Charizard
521|493 7.990
0007 Squirtle
521|490 5.804
0008 Wartortle
508|500 5.089
0009 Blastoise
510|499 10.838
0010 Caterpie
523|496 10.838
0011 Metapod
509|502 7.511
0012 Butterfree
519|489 5.312
0013 Weedle
517|493 4.586
0014 Kakuna
520|493 4.673
0015 Beedrill
521|489 5.670
0016 Pidgey
522|491 5.096
0017 Pidgeotto
522|487 4.584
0018 Pidgeot
523|491 4.496
0019 Rattata
515|488 5.219
0020 Raticate
522|489 5.780
0021 Spearow
515|490 5.065
0022 Fearow
524|493 4.682
0023 Ekans
511|499 4.436
0024 Arbok
521|492 5.050
0025 Pikachu
520|484 4.924
0026 Raichu
523|482 5.064
0027 Sandshrew
521|486 2.838
0028 Sandslash
521|483 2.266
0029 Nidoran (f)
520|485 2.740
0030 Nidorina
520|469 4.445
0031 Nidoqueen
504|498 6.707
0032 Nidoran (m)
506|496 8.269
0033 Nidorino
509|496 12.154
0034 Nidoking
506|492 5.289
0035 Clefairy
508|497 7.367
0036 Clefable
509|495 8.123
0037 Vulpix
506|497 12.154
0038 Ninetails
502|492 5.799
0039 Jigglypuff
503|494 6.837
0040 Wigglytuff
504|490 6.799
0041 Zubat
504|492 7.483
0042 Golbat
503|493 4.442
0043 Oddish
503|492 7.408
0044 Gloom
504|489 6.235
0045 Vileplume
468|526 5.615
0046 Paras
506|491 4.422
0047 Parasect
503|490 3.437
0048 Venonat
505|491 3.368
0049 Venomoth
512|494 1.215
0050 Diglett
460|533 5.276
0051 Dugtrio
462|538 11.550
0052 Meowth
460|529 7.017
0053 Persian
460|531 5.521
0054 Psyduck
462|540 4.760
0055 Golduck
462|542 11.530
0056 Mankey
462|535 4.711
0057 Primeape
468|534 1.817
0058 Growlithe
462|543 1.514
0059 Arcanine
463|527 1.714
0060 Poliwag
466|529 3.010
Personal picture
Victory achievements
Not on my watch

As a supporter, you defeated the most opponents on World 59.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 59 with your tribe Breaking Bad.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 64 with your tribe Squirtle Squad.

Winning Tribe

You vanquished World 67 with your tribe Taco Party Pack.

Other achievements
Years of Service (Silver - Level 3)

Play Tribal Wars for 3 years.

Achievements on other worlds
World 59

World 64

World 67

World 73