Map Ranking

Almost Decided

Tribe name:Almost Decided
Number of members:15
Points of the best 15 players36.674.361
Total points:36.674.361
Average points:2.444.957
Opponents defeated: 6.622.482 (14.)
» Tribal file (external link)

Tribe members

Name Rank Points Global Rank Villages
MONKE 1 6,373,029 1 566
A Baron of Ibelin 2 5,993,832 2 513
Gorlami 3 3,212,075 3 317
BlendR3born 4 2,533,110 4 243
Bonfire 5 2,462,885 5 310
longshot100 6 2,272,930 6 225
Baller3 7 2,080,473 7 209
Lord Gourd 8 1,859,938 8 207
ButcherBabies 9 1,854,335 9 184
Squa 10 1,538,844 12 159
ProxyOff 11 1,521,303 13 171
takenoteswhileItaketokes 12 1,508,420 14 176
bdg1030 13 1,502,592 15 166
sjot3 14 1,205,820 16 121
Dotes 15 754,775 20 75
AD was founded by sjot3. If you have questions please contact sjot3.

This text can be changed by the tribal diplomats.